Five For Friday + one day??? Post- holiday blogging comes a little slow, folks. :) But it's either this or clean my house some more...
So countdown to back to school has officially begun with TWO days left of winter break. I have barely started lesson plans! Yikes! But I have created two lovely products that will get me through the back to school winter blues.
I would love to give these beauties away! At the end of the blogpost, enter the Rafflecopter to win!!
New Years was spent snuggled at home as usual. Even if we did have a babysitter, do I really want to put on makeup and wear something that requires buttons? :) It was lovely and calm.
We spent a few days in Springfield, MO with friends. The girls were in heaven getting to swim while its freezing outside. We also tried ice skating and I'm happy to say it was a success!! Only a bit of crying at the end :) from one blister, but no broken bones. I call it good.
Before Christmas break, our school decided to try other math programs. We are currently in the middle of a module in Engage NY. I've found this to be worlds different from Everyday Math (what we had before), but I think I like it. We needed more of a focus. Have any opinions on Engage NY? I'd love to hear it below!!
My wonderful mother created super cute baskets for each daughter/daughter-in-law for Christmas. Here's mine!!
Love it!!!
Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter below. I'd love for you to follow my TPT store for sales and freebies! Help me reach 100 followers and start my 2016 off with a bang! :)
Happy New Year!